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What is the classical view of dreams?

What is the classical view of dreams? Do dreams come true in human life?
Dreams have been studied and researched since the Vedic Sanatan tradition. In the process of calculating the time, the time of day and night is 24 hours, but it is found in the scriptures that the dream seen during the day is not auspicious. Dividing the night time (night time) by four, the time obtained is divided into first watch, second, third, and fourth watch. On the basis of the dream seen in the same watch, people get good luck. The fruit of the auspicious dream seen in the first watch (till 9 pm) is obtained in one year. Similarly, the fruit of the dream of the second watch (from 9-12 pm) will be received in 8 months, while the fruit of the dream seen in the third watch (from 12-3 pm) will be received in 3 months. The dream seen in the fourth watch (from 3 pm to 6 am) will bear fruit within 15 days. The fruit of a dream seen at sunrise is obtained in 10 days. If you dream in the morning and wake up, you will get the fruit immediately.

Dreams are also a reflection of misery. Therefore, one can also dream about the work done during the day. If this happens then the fruit of the dream will be fruitless. In the same way, the fruit of a dream seen by a sick, anxious person is also in vain.

Good dreams are like this.
1. If you see cows, elephants, horses, palaces, mountains in a dream, you will get the fruits of land gain.
2. In a dream, if you see a weapon wound, insects on your body, diarrhea, blood, you will suddenly increase your wealth and prestige.
3. If you see a king, gold, oxen, lamp, grain, maiden, umbrella, chariot in a dream, the family will grow and the yoga of great fame will be completed.
4. If you see in a dream a complete urn, a Brahmin, a burning fire, flowers, a good house, white money, a painter, a hero, a heroine, a playwright, an artist, a woman with bad behavior, it is a sign of increase in wealth.
5. If you see cow’s ghee and milk in a dream, it is a sign that the dream will come true.
6. If Khir, Yogurt, Ghee, Honey, Sweet Grain is seen in the lotus leaf in the dream, then it is necessary for that person to become a great person of the country.
7. If you see monkeys with their teeth and horns being tortured, there is a possibility of great prosperity and promotion.
8. If you see fruit trees, vine trees, flowering mango trees, you will get wealth, prosperity, increase in knowledge and success in work.
9. If someone gives a jar full of dreams, the growth of the child and the birth of a son will stop, and the child will also become prosperous.
10. Overall, the full urn, the virgin, the lucky woman, the king, the fruit, the milk, the curd, the lotus, the fruit tree, the Ganges rivers, the sea, the lake, the white serpent, the Brahmin, the pearl garland, the crystal garland, the mantra, the temple gurus, the saints, If you see a saint, a scholar, a yogi, what you think will come true quickly, then these dreams are good.

There are various mythological contexts about the dream. Kansha had a very bad dream before he died. The Matsya Purana also gives a very good explanation about the auspicious fruit of dreams.
What kind of nightmare do people think is bad? I have also tried to solve this question.

On a classical basis about nightmares
1. If you see someone laughing, getting married, dancing in a dream, you should understand the signs of crisis and calamity.
2. If you see a tooth that has been lost or shaken, there will be pain and loss of wealth in the body.
3. In a dream, if you see an oiled mattress, a camel or a buffalo heading south, you will die within six months.
4. If you see oil and salt in your dreams, you will get fruits like pain and objection.
5. Seeing a naked woman brings grief.
6. If you see a Brahmin being angry, you will lose a lot of money.
7. Understand the sign of death if you see a girl dressed in black smiling.
8. If a god dances in a dream, if a god sings, if a god jumps up, the country will face great difficulties.
9. In a dream, if a cow goes out with a calf, she loses her job.
10. Death if you see nails, hair, embers, masan ghat.
11. Dreams like broken hire, dead people, buffalo, playing bells, dancing, laughing, fighting, cutting down trees, raining stones, raining blood, burning embers, dogs, crows, bears are very bad.
If the dream is good or bad, the scriptures tell us some remedies for both.

A. If you have a bad dream, get up and take a bath without speaking.
B. Burning water in the sun.
C. To recite Vishnu Sahasranama.
D. To recite Gajendra Moksha.
E. It is also said to be good when the dream is told to a Brahmin or a person of Kasyapa tribe.
F. It is also explained in scriptures like Dharmasindhu, Swapnadhyaya and Matsyapurana that the good fruit of a dream can be obtained quickly and the fruit of a bad dream cannot be obtained even by reciting a dream sitting at the foot of a peepal or a bar.

Even reciting daily hymns will bring good luck to the destruction of nightmares and nightmares.
In the end, according to one’s own experience of the dream, the effect of one’s good deeds also gives some hints to some people in the dream. Gentlemen and devotees of God, God also gives signs of good and bad things from dreams, while the people who practice sadhana, after the effect of their sadhana, also make signs or predictions of things based on dreams.

Of the four Vedas, the subject of Swapnadhyaya is described in the section entitled Kanvshakha of Shuklayajurveda. In that chapter, the good fortune of dreams is also described in this way. The dialogue described for the welfare of the people from the dialogue between Lord Krishna and Nanda also seems to be very practical. More and more people are curious about the good fortune of dreams.But it is very difficult to find out what kind of dream is good and what kind of dream is bad. It is very important to know at what time you dreamed along with dreaming. Depending on the time of dreaming, good or bad fruit is obtained. For that, such a decision is found in the scriptures.


Rabindra Parajuli
Kathmandu, Nepal



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